Monday, April 13, 2009

CH / ARMCH Scandal's triplets

On April 13, Scandal had triplets -- two does and one buck. I think one doe and the buck might be polled, but will know for sure in a few days.

These are the does. Both appear to be broken sundgaus. They have brown undersides. They are only a couple hours old in this photo, so you can't tell much about them.

The buck is a buckskin. He's only an hour old in this photo, so he's not even holding his ears up yet.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cleo's polled buck

Here's a better picture of this handsome guy. He will definitely remain a buck. If not sold, we'll be keeping him here as a herd sire.


Charlotte's black doe

Although she looked black when she was born, this little doe looks like she might be turning chocolate.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Lizzie's buck
born Feb. 18, 2009

We will be keeping Lizzie's doe. She had buck/doe twins this year. The buck is the darker one. He is very long boned and dairy just like his mama. I'd love to keep him for myself, but we kept her buck from last year, so we need to let this little guy go. Sire is Draco. $300

Cleo's polled buck

This little guy is polled and should make a great herd sire. Being polled, that means half of his kids will be polled. Cleo milked for 10 months on her first lactation.

Cleo's doe
born Feb. 17, 2009


Coco's wethers
born March 6, 2009

Coco had quads: 3 bucks and 1 doe. The boys will be wethered. Two are buckskin, and one is mostly brown with Swiss marking on his face. He might be a sundgau.

Coco's doe
born March 6, 2009


Anne's wethers

These two boys are available as wethers (castrated males) for $75 each.


MCH Frankie X Charlotte = 3 does
born Feb. 5, 2009

Charlotte had three doelings. The splashy black and white one is already sold. There is a black one with a few white spots, although I think she might turn chocolate. She has managed to avoid my camera quite well, so I'm afraid I don't have any pictures of her. Here is her sister. The top two pictures are at one month of age, and the bottom two pictures were taken when she was one day old.

SALE PENDING on the brown doe; the only doe available out of Charlotte is the black one with a few white spots.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Draco X Sherri 3*D = 3 bucklings

We will be retaining one of the bucks from this breeding. We have retained a doe from Sherri every year, and we are very happy with them. This is the first year she didn't give us a doe, so we decided to keep a buck. Each one is $350. They are not named yet, and they can be hard to tell apart at first, but one has more spots. Sherri is standing behind the boys in this picture.

Sherri's first buckling

Sherri's second buckling. (Please note that he does NOT have blue eyes. The camera must have done something weird.)

January kids

These are all the kids born in January. Carmen's two girls are laying down, and Sherri's three boys are standing up.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

MCH Frankie X ARMCH Carmen = 2 does

These lovely does are available from two master champion parents. A couple of years ago, I would have kept at least one for myself, but since my children are growing up and going off to college, I need to reduce my numbers, and we are probably not going to be showing much anymore, so I'd rather see these girls go to a home where they'll have a chance to be shown. These pictures were taken when only two days old, but you can already see they have nice long bones and great dairy character. Each one is $600.

This little doe is not as red as the two bottom pictures show. Her color is more fawn or gold, as shown in the first picture. As of 2/2/2009, she is reserved.